'Susan B. Anthony' visits Riga seniors

'Susan B. Anthony' speaks to SCOR members at a special luncheon held in November.

'Susan B. Anthony'
visits Riga seniors

Susan B. Anthony detailed her lifelong struggle for women's suffrage and the abolition of slavery for more than 75 members and guests of Senior Citizens of Riga at the club's November meeting at the Harvey C. Noone American Legion Post on Buffalo Road.

"This is a much more pleasant venue than my usual spot over in Mt. Hope Cemetery," joked Barbara Blazedale. A member of the board of trustees of the Susan B. Anthony House on Madison Street in Rochester, she has been portraying the famous activist for more than eight years.

Blazedale urged SCOR members to, "Support each other, learn and grow together ... and continue to make a difference." Quoting Anthony, she reminded them, "Failure is impossible."

Following the tale which included Anthony's arrest for registering and voting in Rochester in 1872, SCOR members cast their own votes for their new officers. Elected were: Rose Volkman, president; Jean Buske, vice president; Millie Huey, secretary; and Dallas Embling, treasurer.

Members of SCOR meet at noon on the second Tuesday of every month. Next up: the annual Christmas party at the Whittier Party House, paid reservations are required.