Take the clan for a walk this Thanksgiving
Take the clan for a walk this Thanksgiving

Go ahead, stuff yourself on turkey this Thanksgiving. It 's traditional. But after the feast, resist the urge to curl up on the nearest couch. Plan instead to take your family for a walk.

Walking is good exercise any time of year. On Thanksgiving, it will burn off those extra calories you've just consumed. This time of year, leaves are off the trees but the snow hasn't piled high yet, so you can see the terrain that surrounds the trail more clearly and spot wildlife more easily.

Thanksgiving is in the midst of hunting season so you want to avoid lands where hunting is permitted. Instead, pick a nature center or park. Also, pick a trail that is easy and short so the whole family can join in the adventure.

In Orleans County try Lakeside Beach State Park or Hamlin Beach State Park. Maps and trail directions are available in "Take A Hike," "Take Your Bike," "Birding" and "Snow Trails" guidebooks. Call 1-800-431-1579 or visit www.footprintpress.com