Art students to exhibit portfolios Jan. 4 at Hilton High School
Art students to exhibit portfolios Jan. 4
at Hilton High School

Hilton High School art students in teacher Christopher Potter's Portfolio class will be presenting their work on Friday, January 4, at 6:30 p.m. in Hilton High School Auditorium, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. The students are ad-vanced art students who have produced a collection of work which will be discussed by each student.

The students in the class expected to present their portfolios are: Melissa Alliet, William Bell, Sara Coltoniak, Christopher Costanzo, Lisa Efing, Darcy Eichas, Kathleen Frisbee, Daniel Grashof, Jason Knope, Dinh La, Robin Moore, Deanna Norris, Kyla Sterling, Carolann Tuffo, Lauren Verbridge, Christine Warmbrodt, Amie Whigham.

After the presentations, students will host a reception for their teachers, families and friends.

For further information: Mr. Potter can be reached at 392-1000 extension 2127.