Parma employee's commitment to community recognized
Parma employee's commitment to community recognized

Karen Strauss' contributions to the Parma community will be highlighted during a retirement party at the Hilton Exempt Club, 137 South Avenue, Hilton on Thursday, January 24. Deadline for reservations is January 21. No tickets will be available at the door.

Strauss has worked nearly 29 years in the Hilton-Parma area. Social hour begins at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m. Cost per person is $12 which includes dinner, entertainment and a donation toward a gift (make checks payable to Steve Fowler). Anyone who would like to contribute but may be unable to attend can mail contributions to Steve Fowler, Hilton-Parma Recreation, 59 Henry Street, Hilton, NY 14468. Call Fowler at 392-9030 with questions.