Children receive Judo promotions at family night

Renshinken Judo Dojo at Family Night.

Children receive
Judo promotions
at family night

The Renshinkan Judo Dojo awarded rank promotions to many of its students during its semi-annual Family Night. Students invited their parents, friends and family members to participate in an evening event dedicated to their families.

The Family Night event focused on the students' demonstrations of their newly acquired judo skills. Also included was a ceremony that described the history of judo and its evolution to the current judo customs.

The evening was concluded with the promotions of many of the students to their next rank.

Promoted to Yellow belt or Gokyu were Riley Sullivan, Peter Raimondo, Jessica Holberton, Matthew Hawkd, Shawn Garrison, Kaleigh Goodford, MacKenzie Low, Miriam Callahan and Charlene Callahan.

Promoted to Green belt or Sankyu was Daniel Ramundo.

Promoted to Blue belt or Nikyu was Nicky Ramundo.

The next children's classes begin Saturday, January 19. For information, contact Marge Gaskin at 637-4632.