Janet Reno to discuss her cabinet role and political climate
Janet Reno to discuss her cabinet role
and political climate

Janet Reno, the nation's first female attorney general, will speak at 9 p.m. Wednesday, January 30, in Strong Auditorium on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

Reno. who is now seeking the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in her home state of Florida, will talk about her experiences in the Clinton cabinet, the current political climate, and other topics.

Advance tickets for the general public are $7 and can be purchased at the Common Market in Wilson Commons on the River Campus or at Media Play in Southtown Plaza. Admission at the door for the general public will be $10.

Admission is free for University of Rochester faculty, staff and students, but tickets must be obtained in advance at the Common Market.

Reno was sworn in as the 78th U.S. Attorney General in March 1993 and served for nearly eight years. During that time she earned praise for her role in leading the Justice Department's investigations of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber case. She engendered controversy for the storming of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father in Cuba.

Now living in Kendall, Florida, Reno occupies a cypress wood and block house that was built 50 years ago by her mother, and she's a familiar figure campaigning around the state in her red pick-up truck.

For information, contact the Wilson Commons Information Desk at (585) 275-5911.