Local Judo players win awards

Placed in divisions - (l to r) Mike Gressens, Janet Ashida Johnson, Valerie Dericquebourg, Lewis Palameque, Nicky Ramundo, Chad Scott.

Local Judo
players win awards

The Renshinkan Judo Dojo participated in the recent Judo Tournament at the Kin Tora Judo Club in Buffalo. Lewis Palameque, Valerie Dericquebourg and Nicky Ramundo represented the Renshinkan Judo Club of Brockport in the Junior division while Michael Gressens and Chad Scott of Webster competed in the Senior divisions. Paul Gaskin, an instructor and coach from Renshinkan, coached the players through their matches, assisting them with formulating their competitive strategies. Janet Ashida Johnson served as a tournament referee for the matches.

The tournament drew Judoka (Judo players) from throughout Western New York to compete in this double-elimination tournament. Tournament competition provides an opportunity for Judoka to strengthen their judo skills and hone their strategies as a player.

All representatives of the Renshinkan Judo Dojo placed in the top three of their divisions. Junior Division - Nicky Ramundo won second place in the 14-15 year old boy's division, Lewis Palameque won third place in the 8-10 year old boy's division, Valerie Dericquebourg won third place in the 10-13 year old girl's division. Senior Division - Chad Scott won second place in the Men's Medium Weight Division, Mike Gressens won second place in the Men's Heavy Weight Division.