Dramatic portrayal of The Last Supper at Gates church
Dramatic portrayal of
The Last Supper at Gates church

Trinity Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 761 Elmgrove Road in Gates, will present a reenactment of The Last Supper when Jesus and His 12 disciples shared a final meal before Jesus was led away to be crucified. Now it its eighth year, this dramatic portrayal shows how confusion, fear, non-belief and denial swept over Peter, Judas, Thomas, Andrew, John and the rest of the disciples, as they questioned and wondered who this Jesus was that they had spent three years with. And how in the final hours of Jesus' life, who would it be that would betray Jesus and hand him over to his captors to be crucified? Each disciple in turn will ask, "Is it I?" "Is it I, Lord who will betray you?"

As the drama comes to an end, the congregation is invited to come forward and receive Holy Communion if they desire.

This reenactment will take place on Palm Sunday, March 24, with presentations at 4 and 7 p.m. Admission is free. Child care will be provided. The church is handicapped accessible.

Call 247-03437 for information.