Faso warns budget process is behind schedule

Faso warns budget process is behind schedule

With a "key deadline" in the state legislature's budget review process already missed, State Assembly Republican Leader John J. Faso (R-Kinderhook) recently called for the convening of the budget conference committee "to get on track and stay on track."

"The March 10 statutory deadline came and went with no agreement on revenues between the Senate and Assembly, and now anther week has passed and still no agreement. It's time to come to the table and start talking about bringing in an on-time budget," Faso said.

Faso recalled that, in 2001, he and Senator Bruno attempted to convene the conference committee eight times and "eight times the Assembly Democrats were no-shows."

"Assembly Democrats who want an on-time budget, can begin by prodding Speaker Silver to participate in the open, public conference committee process," Faso said.

Assembly Republicans have been pushing for a five-point package of "On Time, Every Time" budget reforms through a series of statewide forums and a petition drive.

Faso said, "Local governments, school officials and not-for-profit agencies keep telling us how important it is for the people who rely on their services that we have an on-time budget. The time to get moving is now."