The BHS Varsity Club presents Senior Citizen Prom
The BHS Varsity Club presents Senior Citizen Prom

The Varsity Club at Brockport High School will be sponsoring the seventh annual Senior Citizen Prom. This year's Senior Citizen Prom will be at the new High School Cafeteria, 40 Allen Street, Brockport, on Saturday evening, April 27. The time will be from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. Last year over 125 seniors listened to music and danced the night away with varsity club members. Many door prizes are donated by area merchants and restaurants. This evening could not take place without the generous support of the BPOE Brockport Lodge No. 2110, the Lions Club of Brockport, Brockport Rotary and the Brockport Kiwanis Club.

Music will be the Big Band Sound of "The Gateswingers," under the leadership of Ben Grammatico. The popular Gateswingers consist of a 15 piece band, with three vocal singers doing music from the 30s, 40s & 50s.

Refreshments will be provided. There is no cost to attend the Senior Citizens Prom, but all interested are asked to pick up a ticket at the Sweden Senior Center, or call any of the following: Adam Streb, BHS Varsity Club President at 637-7041, Nancy Duff at the Sweden Senior Center at 637-8161, or Michael Myers at Brockport High School at 637-1876. Please join us in an evening of great music, food, dancing and wonderful friends.