Legion Post in Parma to provide Blue Star Banners
Legion Post in Parma
to provide Blue Star Banners

In World War I, families who had members in the armed services hung a banner in their window. This banner was red with a white background and a blue star in the center. The number of stars on the banner symbolized the number of family members in service.

During WWII, the banner could be seen in many, many homes. If a gold star was shown, and not a blue one, it meant that a person had given his or her life for our country.

Today, with American troops serving in all parts of the world, and with many of them in great danger, the American Legion has rekindled the blue star program.

Hiscock-Fishbaugh American Legion Post 788 of Hilton will present to any family in Parma, who has a member in the armed service, a blue star banner. Contact Post 788 at P.O. Box 51, Hilton, NY 14468 and the post will see that a banner will be provided.