New slate of officers elected for Gates Lions
New slate of officers elected for Gates Lions

Gates Lions Club members have chosen new officers for the 2002-2003 administration. They are President: Lion Mike Kadey, First VP: Lion George E. Hulbert, Second VP: Lion Dave Hartman, Third VP: Lion Denise LaRiviere, Treasurer: Lion Doug Black, Secretary: Lion Edie Pereira Hulbert, Director: Lion Mel Love (03), Director: Lion Don Rutherford (03), Director: Lion Tom Shea (04), Director: Lion Gerry Ride (04), Lion Tamer: Lion Don Dreher, Lion Tamer: Lion Glenn Kearns, Tail Twister: Lion Al Collavechia.

The Gates Lions meet at LaRocca's Restaurant on Pixley Road the first and third Tuesday of each month. Anyone who lives in Gates or works in Gates is welcome to attend.