Parma-Hilton Historical Society meeting features lake ship historian
Parma-Hilton Historical Society
meeting features lake ship historian

The Parma-Hilton Historical Society (P-HHS) will feature James Fisher who presents a program entitled Ghost Ships of Lake Ontario at their April 15 meeting. Fisher is a sailor and an historian. His presentation tells a Tale of Two Ships and the War of 1812. The Hamilton was built to last, of seasoned lumber, in 1809 at Oswego for the merchant trade. The Schourge was constructed in Niagara, Canada in 1811 for William Crooks and his brother, James, to ship freight, flour and regular cargo. On June 18, 1812 it was illegally captured by the U.S. and taken to Sackets Harbor, NY where it was refitted and renamed. One hundred sixteen years later the U.S. Government paid Canada $23,644 for the Schourge, most of which went to the descendants of ship owner Crooks. These two ships sit upright on the ice cold, totally dark lake floor, intact, 100 meters down and 500 meters apart.

The presentation will be in the History Building of the P-HHS at the north end of the Parma Town Park Complex on Monday, April 15, at 7 p.m. and includes the video and a talk by Fisher dressed in period costume, telling the tale of the War of 1812; ship building; two countries; the shipping industry; and the history it will unfold. Program is free and open to the public. For information call Nan, 392-9142 or Mary, 392-2784.