Seventeenth annual geranium sale
Seventeenth annual geranium sale

The Lions Club of Chili is selling geraniums to raise funds in order to finance all its community service activities.

The plants come in five different colors; red, white, pink, purple and variegated red. The price is $1.50 per plant or $27 for a flat of 20. Order one or any combination of colors.

Pre-orders are accepted until April 30. Call 247-2958, 247-1047, or 247-0905 for pick up on May 11 at 4 Stal-Mar Circle, Chili, off Paul Road.

In addition to the pre-sold plants, geraniums will also be available at the K-Mart, Chili-Paul and North Chili Plazas on May 11 and 12, until they are all gone (but previous experience indicates that there will be very few left at that time, according to club members).