Hilton to hold tax rate same for 11th straight year
Hilton to hold tax rate same for 11th straight year

For the eleventh straight year, Hilton residents will see no increase in the village tax rate. The village board adopted a $2,045,730 budget that is 10.7 percent higher than last year, but does not alter the tax rate of $2.32 per thousand of assessed valuation.

"It's a very good job," said Village Mayor Bill Carter, as he addressed the board at a public hearing held April 9. "I'd like to thank you for your dedication in getting this done."

The increase in the budget will cover:

  • Personnel costs up three percent
  • Purchase new refuse truck $155,000
  • Purchase new four wheel drive pickup
  • Reconstruct Brook Street $70,000
  • Upgrade communications system (telephones, computers and networking) in the village offices $25,000
  • Increased responsibilities and job duties for the Fire Marshall position $8,000
  • The infrastructure for Canning Street, Upton Street and Hazen Street will be improved for safety reasons and to control traffic

Carter also shared three money saving measures that led to no tax rate increase for the upcoming year. First, the village board negotiated a new health insurance agreement with village employees that saved Hilton $18,000. Second, the village continues its policy of being conservative when estimating sales tax revenue. Finally, the budget will have a $293,000 carry over as a result of not spending the entire current budget.

Carter said the village is able to curb its spending by doing the majority of its work internally as opposed to having to contract out many projects. Carter said the budget that was adopted did not include everything from the trustees' original "wish list," but that he was pleased with what they were able to do.

As he starts his fifth year as mayor, Hilton currently remains debt free.