Brockport pares back its budget
Brockport pares back its budget

Cost cutting, consolidation and possible decreases in health insurance costs all contributed to Village of Brockport officials being able to cut more than $101,000 from the proposed budget.

The cuts reduced the proposed tax rate increase from 27 percent to about 17.74 percent. Reductions mean taxpayers are looking at a tax rate of $7.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation rather than the $8.10 per $1,000 that was originally proposed.

After the cuts, a taxpayer in the village, with a home assessed at $84,737, will have an annual tax bill of $635.53, down from the $686.36 that was originally proposed.

Each department was asked to cut 10 percent from their budget in order to lower the tax rates to homeowners. In addition to the departmental cuts, the village was able to garner funds by lowering projected increases in workman’s compensation insurance, medical insurance coverage, reduction of capital fund transfers and general liability/automobile coverage

The budget was on the April 15 agenda as an action item for adoption but Trustee James E. Whipple said because he was out of town and hadn’t had an opportunity to look at the revisions, he couldn’t vote on it. Trustees Norman Knapp and Peter DeToy had also not had the opportunity to look over the revised budget.

"I haven’t had the opportunity to go through it," Whipple said. "I just can’t vote on this tonight."
Resident John Bush said he was still disappointed by the budget cuts. "Some of the figures were just estimates to begin with except the loss of the building/zone board secretary position," he said. "This budget will be a lot worse next year and you people are pricing people out of the village."

Sharon Kehoe said she had concerns with the budget. "With the tax increases and the new assessments, I find it difficult to pay this bill," she said. "We are looking at about $65,000 in cuts out of an almost $5 million budget… that’s a very small percentage."

Kehoe said she feels a committee needs to be formed before the next round of budget talks and that consolidation of services between the village and the towns needs to be looked at. "If no one on the board is willing to serve on a committee, I know I can find enough people in the community who will sit on a board and will present our findings to you."

A special meeting was called for April 30 at 7:30 p.m. for the adoption of the budget. It must be in place by May 1.