Brockport firefighters break ground at Firefighter Monument site
Brockport firefighters break ground
at Firefighter Monument site

Brockport firefighters were joined by Mayor Josephine Matela and representatives from Allied Builders for a ceremonial groundbreaking at the site of the Firefighters Monument in front of BFD Station 4, Main Street at Park Avenue.

Fire Chief Gregory B. Wing, Deputy Chief Christian A. McCullough and Assistant Chief Mark H. Warner were joined by Past Chiefs Laurence C. Vaughan and D. Scott Warthman as well as Gary Nanni, vice president and Chris Brind'Amour, project manager of Allied Builders with Dick Kron, sculptor and artist, as the three chiefs and the mayor drove their shovels into the ground that will soon become the monument in memory of those that perished in the September 11 attacks. Plans to dedicate and unveil the monument surround an early August ceremony.

Allied Builders Inc. has provided the engineering, design and funds for the concrete base that will support the three wood sculpted firefighters and leaning flagpole of the monument, and its surrounding brick walkway as their contribution to the Monument Fund.