Dragon Boat Races hit canal again in August

Dragon Boat racers compete in last year's competition.

Dragon Boat Races hit canal again in August

The Brockport canal will be alive with color and excitement this summer as Dragon Boats take to the water.

The second annual Dragon Boat Races will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 10 during the Brockport Summer Art Festival (August 10-11). Dragon Boat Racing is an Asian sport that is the fastest-growing water sport in the world and North American teams are really becoming powerhouses when it comes to competitions.

Dragon Boat Racing is just what it sounds like - racing on the water in colorful boats shaped like dragons. Twenty crew members power a boat toward the finish line by paddling fiercely while another member beats out stroke cadence on a drum.

Teams can be made up of corporate groups, community/service organizations, and youth groups. Each team of 21 (20 paddlers and one drummer) must have a minimum of 8 female paddlers. Sign up early and save money. The cost is $450 per 21-member team when you register by June 15; after June 15 pay $525. There is limited space for individual paddlers: $25 per person.

Each race is 250 meters, and all teams race three times - rain or shine. All the equipment is provided (as is a professional steersperson who will steer the boat) and no experience is necessary. All races will happen Saturday, August 10. Prizes will be awarded.

Space is limited. To register your team, and schedule practice times, call Dragon Boat Master Joe at 585-473-4482.