Help available to pay for or manage medications
Help available to pay for or manage medications

Individuals 60 or over who are Genesee County residents can contact the Office for the Aging for a Health Insurance Counseling Program which might be able to help find a way to pay for prescriptions. There are certain prescription plans that might benefit one who meets the eligibility criteria. Contact the Office for the Aging at 343-1611 for an appointment with an insurance counselor.

In addition, it is imperative to manage prescriptions carefully. The Council on Family Health makes these suggestions:Communicate with all health professionals what medications you are currently taking, any known allergies, eating habits, and any problems if you have difficulty swallowing certain pills.

  • Keep a list of all medicines, dosages, and times of day you take them and carry it with you at all times.
  • Use one pharmacy so that a pharmacist is aware of all the medications you are on and can be alert to potential drug interactions. If this is not possible, be sure that all dispensing pharmacies are aware of all the medications you are taking.
  • Follow all instructions on medications and inserts.
  • Let your pharmacist and/or physician know if you are having any adverse reactions to the medications.

The Office of the Aging has literature available about managing your medications. Call or stop in for information.