Local students win regional competition

Local students win regional competition

Students from Rochester Taekwondo Club recently competed and placed in the 2002 AHN American Taekwondo Classic, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The team, from the Rochester Taekwondo Club, consisted of Master Robert Fujimura (Fairport), Coach Jerry Fedele (Webster), Black Belt Competitor Dan Alessi (Penfield), and Ashley Burge (Fairport), Emyli Fujimura (Fairport), Jacob Fujimura (Fairport), Katie Fujimura (Fairport), Jessica Heintz (Rochester), and Jesse Welch (Pittsford).

Ashley Burge placed second in Sparring and Forms (girls 11-12 year old intermediate), Emyli Fujimura third in Sparring (girls 11-12 year old advanced), Jacob Fujimura third in Forms (boys 5 year old beginner) and Katie Fujimura third in Sparring (girls 15-16 year old advanced).

The Rochester Taekwondo Club was formed in 1976 and specializes in traditional Taekwondo training. They meet at the Perinton Recreation Center on Turk Hill Road in Perinton, New York. Participants range from 5-70 years old in age. For information call 230-3219.