Chili Lions installation of officers and special awards
Chili Lions installation of officers and special awards

At a picnic held in Black Creek Park on June 11, the Lions Club of Chili installed officers for the year 2002-2003, with Past District Governor Lion Mike Nau in charge of the ceremonies. The new roster of Lions officers is as follows: President, Tom Platt; Vice Presidents, Millie Thurley, Colleen DaChille and Keith Bozer; Secretary, Florence Goodwin; Treasurer, Margaret Pepper; Two-Year Directors, Geri Palella and Dom Fantauzzo; One-Year Directors, Donna Jones and Lucy Connell; Lion Tamer, Art Jones; Tail Twister, Jean Jones; Membership Committee Chairperson, Bonnie Platt, and Immediate Past President, Charlie Prevost. Their term of office will begin July 1.

Co-Chairpersons of the Special Awards Committee, Lions Bonnie Platt and Enrique H. Miyares, Jr., bestowed a Melvin Jones Fellowship, the highest International Award of Lionism, upon Lion President Charlie Prevost, and a Robert J. Uplinger Award, the highest of Lions Multiple District 20, New York State and Bermuda, upon incoming President Tom Platt. The recipients were given special plaques and lapel buttons. A third presentation, of a Robert J. Uplinger Award, was made by Lion Enrique to Lion Geri Palella and Charles Palella Jr.; it had been bestowed upon the late Lion Charles Palella, Sr., who died last year before its presentation in person could have taken place.