Local man raises mega-bucks for Diabetes research

Ross Vasbinder raised over $1,700 for the Diabetes Foundation. He cycled the Tour DeCure around Hamlin Beach State Park on June 8.

Local man raises mega-bucks for Diabetes research

Ross Vasbinder of Meadow Drive in Spencerport completed the Tour DeCure bicycle fundraiser on June 8. He has cycled in this fundraising event for the last ten years and this year he surpassed all other years collecting over $1,700. He, with the help of fellow Lions, visited other local clubs and convinced them to sponsor him. The course is set up around Hamlin Beach State Park and is scheduled for twenty-five miles but Vasbinder reports it is over thirty.

In previous years, Vasbinder collected over a thousand dollars, but this year, with the extra effort, he raised that amount and will turn in the $1,700. The money will be used by the Diabetes Foundation in work to find a cure for diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in older citizens. The number of people being diagnosed with the illness has increased by significant numbers in recent years and research is working on ways to better manage the illness.