Chili Subordinate Grange #393 activities for June noted
Chili Subordinate Grange #393 activities for June noted

The last regular meeting of the Chili Subordinate Grange #393 was held on June 4. At this meeting a basic plan was discussed to establish a timetable and tentative schedule for the coming Monroe County and New York State Fairs. Also to try and establish a potential list of members that might be able to assist on these activities. In the past, the Chili Grange has a long history of supporting these events to the fullest.

Also, the Chili Grange will host the Monroe County Pomona Grange picnic at the Chili American Legion Post 1830 pavilion on 450 Scottsville Chili Road. This was the location of the original Chili Grange building. The event will take place on Saturday, July 20 and begins at 1 p.m. For details call Jerry or Esther Hendrickson at 889-9570.

Hilda Thurley, a longtime member of the Chili Grange, was nominated to the Monroe County Pomona Grange executive committee.

The next regular meeting of the Chili Grange will be at the Chili American Legion Post 1830 on July 2 at 7 p.m. New members and longtime members invited.