Can-imals on parade brings new dimension to food pantry stocking
Can-imals on parade brings
new dimension to food pantry stocking

You've heard of Horses on Parade - even Deer on Parade in Canandaigua; but two Brockport organizations are looking for street artists to participate in a canned goods sculpture contest: "Can-imals" on Parade in Brockport.

The Girl Scouts and Cool Kids have teamed up to present a whole new concept in street art - a contest that combats hunger - and showcases group's artistry in the middle of an All Day Cool Kids Block Party on July 12.

"It's perfect! We wanted to do something that was very visual, that helped each community represented - but was really fun ... cool," said Angela Tozer, Girl Scout Service Unit Manager. Tozer's troop will be one of the sculpting teams competing. While she won't say what the sculpture will be - she thinks the competition will be "tough." "We're excited about this -- several groups have already signed up." Tozer encouraged potential participants to register early. "Slots are filling fast. Our goal is to provide local families and agencies with 7,000 cans of food through this contest."

"Can-imals on Parade is a canned goods sculpture contest," said Steve Appleton, Director of Cool Kids. "Participants gather at least 700 cans to build a really cool, animal-themed sculpture during Cool Kids Day - July 12. It'll be awesome! Each sculpting team can add anything they like to the sculpture - wood, plastic, painted signs, stuffed animals, people, music, moving parts - but must stay within a 10' x 20' area designated to them on Cool Kids Day. Groups/Teams/Sculptors can also showcase their group in the sculpture theme, but may bring tables, info to promote their agency or cause. The public votes on their favorite sculpture - and prizes are given at the end of Cool Kids Day. Groups then disassemble their sculptures and bring food back to their own communities, said Appleton. "What a great way to benefit all. Plus it's going to be great watching the groups build these monstrosities on Main Street, with Cool Kids Day jammin all around them!"