3 On 3 Basketball Tournament comes to Parma
3 On 3 Basketball Tournament comes to Parma

A 3 On 3 Basketball Tournament co-sponsored by The Rochester Monroe County Youth Bureau and Hilton-Parma Recreation will be run at Parma Town Hall Park on Saturday, August 3 as part of the Town's Summer Celebration. The "Shoot for Assets" Tournament will be organized as a round robin to championship game format with boy and girl divisions of youth 10 and under, 12 and under, 14 and under, and 16 and under.

The cost of $40 per team includes complimentary tournament shirts for all participants, and awards for the top two teams in each division. "Shoot for Assets" will be contracting with Henshaw Hoops to set up the courts and the HCS basketball program to assist in coordinating the event.

The team registration deadline for participation is July 19. Any additional information is available by calling Steve Fowler at H-P Recreation, 392-9030.