Experience F-16 flight at air show
Experience F-16 flight at air show

One of the main attractions at the 2002 Orleans Aviation Days August 10 and 11 will be the U.S. Air Force Experience Exhibit. The demonstration of flight in an F-16 is part of aviation events at Pine Hill Airport, 4906 Pine Hill Road, Albion. The Rochester Skydiving Center will provide demonstrations about every 90 minutes, antique aircraft are scheduled to participate and balloon launches are planned for preview day, Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10 at 6 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday mornings at about 6 a.m. There may be a night glow after dark on Friday and Saturday evenings, weather conditions permitting.

Demonstrations of powered parachutes, helicopters and ultralites take place during both days and some participants will offer rides.

The grounds will be open from about 6 p.m. Friday through late afternoon Sunday. Food booths will be available. On Friday afternoon starting at 4:30 p.m., members of the West Barre Church will prepare a spaghetti dinner ($6.50); Saturday and Sunday morning, a pancake breakfast is available from 7 to 11 a.m. ($5). Saturday evening from 4:30 to 7 p.m., the Medina Masons will serve a steak dinner ($8.50), Inside seating is available for all meals.

Pine Hill Airport is located five (5) miles west of Barre Center. Travel Route 98 and proceed south from Albion, or north from Batavia to Barre Center. Take Maple Street west to Pine Hill Road.

For information, call 585-589-7758. Visit www.vintageaircraftgroup.org