School age childcare option available
School age childcare option available

The Brockport, Holley and Kendall School Districts will be offering before and after school child care through the Brockport YMCA beginning in the fall. The programs will be held at the Hill, Holley and Kendall Elementary Schools and are open to school age children (kindergarten through fifth grade for the Hill Elementary and kindergarten through sixth grade for Holley and Kendall).

The before school program runs from 7 to 9 a.m. and after school from 3:15 to 6 p.m. (2:15 to 6 p.m. for kindergarteners). Financial assistance is available. During school holidays Vacation Fun Club is available for families.

For information call the Brockport YMCA Program Center at 637-8121 or stop by their office at 25 Main Street. Registrations are currently being accepted.