Chili Senior Center programs
Chili Senior Center programs

Oktoberfest - a trip for seniors 55+ to the Irondequoit Oktoberfest on Friday, September 20. The bus leaves at noon and returns at 4 p.m. $6. For information call 889-6185 or stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue.

AARP Defensive Driving Course - for adults age 50 and older on Friday, September 20 and September 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chili Senior Center, 3235 Chili Avenue. After completion of the two-day course (one session), participants will receive a 10 percent reduction in liability and collision insurance. The certification is good for three years. The course is instructed by a certified AARP volunteer instructor. $10. To register, call 889-6185.

Bingo - every Monday afternoon from 1 to 2 p.m. Participants must be 55 and older. $1. The center is located at 3235 Chili Avenue. For information, call 889-6185.