Parma remembers with September celebration
Parma remembers with September celebration

On September 14, Parma will remember the first anniversary of 9/11/01, commemorate the 176th anniversary of the writing of the National Anthem, mark the 35th anniversary of Shirley Cox Husted's appointment as Parma town historian and welcome descendants of the Rev. Charles Hilton from whom the village was named and the Honorable Elam Cross, the first president of the Village of Hilton.

The following events are planned:

•2 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Open House at the Parma Meetinghouse, 460 Parma Center Road with Charles A. Hilton, Jr. of California and his sister, Carol Clough and her husband, Charles Clough of Maryland, guests of honor. Display of over 80 patriotic photographs taken by students at St. Lawrence School. Cider, cheese and crackers gratis.

4:30 p.m. - Informal social gathering at the Parma-Greece United Church of Christ, 1211 Manitou Road. Special music.

5:00 p.m. - Red, White and Blue celebration banquet featuring the church's famous barbecued chicken, plus foods representative of Parma's history and heritage. Charles Hilton will relate some of his family's history, including some of his uncle Donald Hilton's experiences as part of Admiral Charles Byrd's expedition to Antarctica. Awards and brief comments of appreciation by Shirley Cox Husted.

For banquet reservations, send check to 5771 Wautoma Beach Road, Hilton, NY 14468 before September 5. Adults: $11. Children: two for $9.