‘All Aboard’ will soon be heard in Brockport
‘All Aboard’ will soon be heard in Brockport

"All aboard" will be heard throughout Brockport during October and November as train tours begin making stops in the village.

Economic Development Coordinator R. Scott Winner said at the September 3 village board meeting that he has been in conversations with the general manager of the Western New York Railroad Association, which operates a round trip train run from Lockport to Medina, about extending the trip to Brockport. "They want to bring the excursion here in October and November," he said. "They’re also looking toward the long term for a facility to call home."

Winner said he has begun looking into sites for train layovers and will be working with the railroad tour company to have passengers tour the Capen Museum, visit the Memorial Monument and to make the trek to Brockport’s downtown area.

Also in the works for Brockport, Winner said in his role as chairman of the planning board, are the expansion of the AgriLink parking area, a new restaurant at the site formerly occupied by LiftBridge Kids and a canalside restaurant. "A lot of these are all in the planning stages and some have a long way to go before they are a reality," he said. "We’re excited to see so much interest in the downtown canal area."

Winner said the probability of the village being able to secure grants is heightened by the flow of private dollars by investors into purchasing, refurbishing and constructing new facilities along the canal bank.