RIT Athenaeum plans open house
RIT Athenaeum plans open house

The Athenaeum, the innovative, educational organization for adults over 50 at Rochester Institute of Technology, offers a weeklong open house from September 23-26 during the first week of scheduled classes. Participants can attend as many classes/activities as they like. Classes run 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with breaks for lunch.

The Athenaeum, a non-profit organization sponsored by RIT, conducts educational enrichment programs dedicated to adults over 50. Founded in 1987, its goal is to provide seniors with intellectual pursuits, maintaining active minds through the continued exploration of the world around them. In addition to educational courses covering a wide variety of topics, led by the members themselves, The Athenaeum also offers opportunities for making and expanding friendships through social activities, travel tours, and volunteer and committee work.

For more information about membership or for a complete fall catalog, call The Athenaeum at 585-292-8989 or visit www.rit.edu/athenaeum. Please call ahead to reserve a place during the open house.