Youth baseball and softball players wanted for overseas competition
Youth baseball and softball players
wanted for overseas competition

New York baseball and softball players ages 11-18 have the opportunity to compete for spots on the 2002-03 Coast to Coast national select teams. The American squads will travel to Australia, China, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Europe to play in tournaments against international teams during school breaks. As many as 30 Coast to Coast squads, in four different age groups, will be recruited from all over the country to represent the U.S.

Each Coast to Coast tour lasts 7-14 days and is packed with competitive games, intensive training and cultural excursions. Top college coaches and pro scouts manage the squads and provide participating players with a perspective on what it's like to compete at the collegiate level, according to organizers.

To receive information on how to apply for a roster spot, interested athletes can call toll free, 1-888-356-4455, or visit