Ogden Seniors collect blankets for Project Linus
Ogden Seniors
collect blankets
for Project Linus

The women of the Ogden Senior Center have been involved with Project Linus for the past few years. Project Linus, named after Linus in Charles Schulz' Peanuts comic strip, is a non-profit organization that collects handmade knitted blankets for children at local hospitals. Project Linus has distributed more than 350,000 blankets since its start in December of 1995. This year, Ogden Seniors knitted 39 blankets for the project. Pictured (left to right) Dorothy Lewis, Helen Schuth, Ruth Popowich, Dorothy Simpson, Lucille Arthmann (Project Linus Coordinator), Gladys McLaughlin, and Ginny Hartman. For information, contact the Senior Center at 352-3250 or www.projectlinus.org