Genesee County Farm Bureau elects officers, support policy
Genesee County Farm Bureau
elects officers, support policy

The Genesee County Farm Bureau held their annual meeting on Thursday, October 10 at the Batavia Party House. The business portion of the meeting included election of officers. Dean Norton returns as president and Dale Stein as vice president. Dean Recker and Steve Boldt were re-elected to serve on the board of directors. Shelley Reynolds is a newly elected director.

Other business conducted during the meeting was adoption of local, state and national policy that Genesee County Farm Bureau will be sending to New York Farm Bureau's resolution committee for their support. If Genesee County Farm Bureau's policies are accepted, they will be voted on at the New York Farm Bureau (NYFB) annual meeting to be held in December. 52 County Farm Bureaus and NYFB use their collective influence to impact legislative and regulatory issues based on the policies approved by NYFB delegates.

Several of the policies adopted by Genesee County Farm Bureau reflect their concern with a proposed Route 63 bypass. The following policies were adopted to address this issue:

  • Genesee County Farm Bureau encourages the Genesee County Legislature to oppose a Route 63 bypass through Genesee County due to the following factors: it would use up and disturb farmland; it would disrupt the existing economic infrastructure.
  • Genesee County Farm Bureau encourages through traffic to stay on the existing interstate infrastructure and supports accomplishing this by: policing the Route 63 corridor heavier to ticket speeders, overweight vehicles; reducing thruway tolls.