Museum attracts visitors from afar
Museum attracts visitors from afar

Brockport has a gem that I think some of you are not aware of, our Museum. Recently, two families have gone out of their way to visit Brockport. First was a mother, father and son from Scotland who came because they had heard about our Reaper. I have never seen anyone examine it so closely; they were fascinated by it. They left me with the impression they had similar ones in Scotland.

The second visitors were a mother and son from Kansas on their way to a family reunion in New Hampshire. When they saw Brockport on the map they came by because her grandmother had graduated from the old Normal School in the late 1800s. She spent over an hour admiring our collection of Old Brockport memorabilia.

So you can see Brockport's fame is far flung.

Jacqueline Morris