Spencerport Music Association sponsors annual fruit sale
Spencerport Music Association
sponsors annual fruit sale

Spencerport Music Association (SMA) annual citrus fruit sale will be held from October 24 through November 7. A variety of citrus items will be available. Those interested in purchasing fruit may order from any Spencerport School District band or chorus member. All orders must be prepaid and received on or before November 7. Checks are payable to the Spencerport Music Association.

The fruit may be picked up on Saturday, December 6 at the Spencerport School District Administration Building from 5 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m to 1 p.m.

This is the group's primary fundraiser. Profits are used for music scholarships, concert outfits, incentive awards, recreation events, community music events and basic operating expenses.