Brockport's police and fire chiefs file quarterly reports
Brockport's police and fire chiefs file quarterly reports

Law enforcement officials in the Village of Brockport were kept busy the past quarter, according to reports filed by Police Chief Daniel Varrenti.

Officers answered more than 2,718 calls and complaints. They arrested 727 individuals including 242 criminal and 485 vehicle and traffic arrests.

Brockport's officers recorded 36 DWI arrests in the first quarter of 2002, compared to 20 during the first quarter of 2001. They had the greatest increase (80 percent) of DWI arrests of any police department in Monroe County during both the first and second quarters of the year.

"These arrests are a credit to the officers," Varrenti said.

Varrenti reported that he continues to upgrade and improve General Orders in compliance with accreditation standards.

Fire Chief Greg Wing reported his staff, comprised of mostly volunteer fire fighters, responded to 884 fire calls and 1,282 ambulance calls year to date. "We had 71 fire calls in September and 149 ambulance calls," Wing said.

He also reported on an increased number of "nuisance box" alarms from the SUNY campus. "We met with the SUNY safety committee about the nuisance box calls and we've noted a dramatic decrease in those incidents," he said.

Wing reported that a high percentage of the calls responded to during the month of September, and year to date, were comprised of calls to the towns of Clarkson and Sweden.