Deer and car season: a bad combination
Deer and car season: a bad combination

Each year, car collisions with deer account for more than 200 human and 1.4 million deer fatalities. The period of October through December is the highest season for the accidents, since it's a time for both wandering deer and holiday travelers.

Most collisions with a deer occur during this time of year when deer are mating and migrating. "Drivers need to be particularly cautious with the season's shortened daylight and deer foraging near roadsides - it's a very dangerous combination," said Ray Palermo, Director of Public Education for Teachers' Insurance Plan, an auto insurance program. "To compound it, more drivers are on the road at dawn and dusk, the very time of day when deer are most alive." An adult deer can weigh more than 200 pounds and a car striking one can not only result in the death of the deer, but incur thousands of dollars in damage and may cause the car to veer off the road into even more danger for the driver.

Here are a few basic cautions for drivers:

  • Be particularly careful at dawn and dusk and when driving either over a hill or around a curve, where visibility is limited. Use high beams to give a greater area of visibility.
  • Slow down when approaching a deer standing near the side of a road and be prepared. If startled, it can bolt onto the roadway and into your path. If necessary, honk your horn and flash your lights to try to scare the deer.
  • Be alert for more deer than you may see at that moment. Where there's one deer, there are often more nearby.
  • Deer Crossing signs are there because it has been determined that this is an area where they congregate and migrate. Take the signs seriously and, obviously, be particularly cautious in wooded and agricultural areas.