Chili American Legion to hold special observance on Veterans Day
Chili American Legion to hold
special observance on Veterans Day

Members of Chili American Legion Post 1830 will observe Veterans Day, November 11 with a special observance service at the Post home, 450 Scottsville-Chili Road (Route 386), at 9 a.m. The public is invited to attend this ceremony.

"We hope that all citizens will observe Veterans Day by honoring the men and women who have served their country in the uniform of our armed forces," said Post Commander Sue Phillips. "Today, America remains the beacon to the world, in large part, because of our veterans, who have served and who are now serving."

The American Legion continues its over 80 years in services to God and Country. Since its 1919 inception in France, under the direction of Colonels Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and New York State's own William J. Donovan of the famous "Fighting 69th" The American Legion continues to promote American ideals and to insure that our veterans and their families receive the recognition and support they deserve.

Veterans Day first noted the day the armistice was signed to end WWI. In Canada, the day is called Remembrance Day. Today the day commemorates all veterans.