Landscaping enhances Lakeside entrance area

Kyle Rombaut

Landscaping enhances Lakeside entrance area

The main entrance and gazebo at Lakeside Health System recently received major renovations. Kyle Rombaut and his fellow boy scouts worked over the summer and early fall landscaping the gazebo and flagpole garden areas on the grounds of Lakeside Health System. Rombaut is a member of Boy Scout Troop 111 sponsored by the Brockport Rotary and an Eagle Scout rank candidate.

The scout's community service project must involve planning organizing and completing a community service project. Rombaut worked with staff from Lakeside's Physical Plant Services to plan the garden layout and obtain necessary approvals. Rombaut was responsible for preparation of a materials list, garden preparation and watering around Lakeside's new gazebo. He also planned and organized the construction of a trellis attached to the entrance of the gazebo. Residents and families from Lakeside Beikirch Care Center and children from the child care center enjoyed gathering in the gazebo during the warmer days for inter-generational activities.

The project also involved lawn repairs and planting in the area around the new flagpole at the main entrance to the health system, which was donated by the Monroe Lodge #173. A ceremony was held on September 11 to dedicate the flag and unveil a plaque honoring the Lodge for the gift that made this flag possible.

Once the planning was completed and work scheduled to begin, Rombaut was responsible for recruiting volunteers including fellow boy scouts, family and friends. A total of 36 people were recruited to work on various phases of the project which were completed on different days. More than 185 hours were spent by the volunteers working on this endeavor.