Girl Scouts complete Christmas service project
Girl Scouts complete Christmas service project

Hilton Junior Girl Scout Troop 879, led by Nancy Allen, completed a Christmas sevice project on December 10 at the Petsaver Super Store at Stoneridge Plaza, Greece. The girls used the Community Wish Book to select G.R.A.S.P. (Greece Residents Assisting Stray Pets) as the agency they would assist using money they earned from their cookie sales. The troop purchased a large dog crate and a cat carrier. Each girl's family contributed old blankets and towels. The troop purchased several items such as bowls, leashes, collars, brushes and toys for stray dogs and cats and the foster homes that care for them as they await placememt in permanent homes. The girls delivered the filled crate to the pet store and posed for pictures. The girls then worked with owner, Russ Herman, to earn the Pet Care badge. They also earned the Community Service Patch and Action for Animals rocker. Shown, front row, left to right: Brittany Reed, Becca List, Chelsey Reed, Megan Johnson, Lisa Koroniwski, Alana Ingham and Heather Allen; back row, Leader Nancy Allen, Jessica Iuppa and Rachel Quetschenbach.