Churchville-Chili Saints host winter baseball camp
Churchville-Chili Saints host winter baseball camp

The Churchville-Chili baseball program offers four Saturdays of baseball fun and fundamentals. The camp will also include indoor games, fun activities and a home run derby. Participants will have an opportunity to get involved in the "Saints Batboy for a Game Program" during the 2003 season.

The camp will be held Saturday, January 11 and 25 and Saturday, February 1 and 8. Grades 4-6 meet from 9 to 10 a.m.; grades 7-9 meet from 10 to 11 a.m. in the C-C Middle School gym. Cost is $30.

Participants should dress appropriately for indoor play, wear sneakers (no cleats), bring glove. Questions about the camp can be directed to 293-1800 ext. 7160. Make checks payable to: Churchville-Chili Continuing Education.

To register, send in the following information to Churchville-Chili Continuing Education, 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville, NY 14428: student's name, address, phone number, current grade, parent signature.