United States Coast Guard offers scholarships
United States Coast Guard offers scholarships

Applications are now being taken for high school juniors interested in a career as an officer in the United States Coast Guard.

Students can experience a taste of the training that could lead to qualification for a full four year college scholarship to the United States Coast Guard Academy. Those who qualify and are chosen, will get to experience a week of officer training and have an opportunity to meet coaches of their sport one-on-one; experience the academic and class room setting; participate in on water work Coast Guard performs every day; make new friends interested in the same things you are; get a taste of what it takes to become an officer at the college.

Applications are being accepted through March 30, 2003.

For information and an application, contact Ann Roller, Career Counselor, 644 Lawrence Road, Brockport, NY 14420. Phone 585-392-9776 or email; alroller53@yahoo.com.