Spring concert rehearsals begin for Spencerport Community Chorus
Spring concert rehearsals begin
for Spencerport Community Chorus

The Spencerport Community Chorus will begin rehearsals for its spring concert season on Sunday, January 5, at 3 p.m. at the First Congregational Church (The Historic White Church) on Church Street in Spencerport.

This spring's concerts will include the light-hearted every-Madrigal-you-can-think-of-and-then-some "Madrigal Madness," the profoundly moving John Rutter piece "Distant Land" which was composed after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990, a swingin' women's number from 1940, "Java Jive," the gentle "May It Be" from "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of the Ring," and the mellow jazz balled "Night We Called it A Day."

This year's concert season will also include participation in a concert co-sponsored by the Greater Rochester Choral Consortium and the Greece Performing Arts Society. The concert, "Many Songs - One Voice" will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 3:30 p.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 3003 Dewey Avenue.

Under the direction of Margaret Colucci and accompanied by Margaret Johnson, the Chorus will perform March 1, 2003 at 7 p.m. and March 2 at 3 p.m. at the White Church. The concerts are free with donations accepted which are used to help off-set the costs associated with the concerts.

The Spencerport Community Chorus rehearses on Sunday afternoons at the White Church from 3 to 5:15 p.m. There are no auditions and all singers are welcome. For information, call 352-6223.