Orleans Red Cross handles disaster calls
Orleans Red Cross handles disaster calls

The Disaster Action Team in Orleans County handled eight calls between July 1 and the end of 2002, an above average number for the county. Immediate needs were provided to 21 adults and 10 children. The aid was made possible through donations from the local community.

Volunteers are needed to serve as Disaster Action Team members, according to Orleans County Red Cross officials.

Among other Red Cross services and projects, the Armed Forces Emergency service program continues to provide Quality of Life items to men and women in the military. Donations from the community continue to come in, officials say, and shipping costs are mounting. Those who would like to donate money to help fund the shipments can do so by sending a check to the Orleans County Red Cross with the memo: For Shipment of Military Goods.

Organizations, churches, clubs or businesses who would like to schedule a Red Cross program can call the chapter office, 798-3170, for information. Demonstrations and information in CPR/AED, First Aid and Safety, and health safety as well as Disaster Services can call for information.