Kendall schools sponsor Internet Safety Seminar
Kendall schools sponsor Internet Safety Seminar

A representative from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will present a one-hour parent and student seminar in the Kendall High School Library on Thursday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. Topics discussed will include the risks involved in "surfing the Web," and strategies and rules to stay safe online. All parents and students in grades 4 through 12 are encouraged to attend.

Children age 12 and up are at most risk for being targeted by online perpetrators. According to a 1999 study published by the Crimes Against Children Research Center: one in five youths sampled had received a sexual solicitation over the Internet; one in four experienced unwanted exposure to explicit pictures; one in 17 were threatened or harassed; one in 33 received aggressive solicitations, such as mail, money, gift or phone calls; less than 25 percent of those youth who encountered an unwanted solicitation told a parent.

To make a reservation, call the Kendall Elementary School Office at 659-8317 or e-mail Although walk-ins are welcome, reservations will ensure that there are adequate handouts and seating available.

This free seminar is sponsored by the Kendall Parent-Teacher-Student Association.