Young artists to audition for awards
Young artists to audition for awards

The Rochester Philharmonic League Education Committee (RPLEC) will be hosting the annual Young Artist Auditions on Saturday, March 8. Students will perform in front of professional judges for awards and scholarships.

Cash awards are offered for male vocalist, female vocalist, strings, piano, and instrumental (woodwind, brass, percussion, harp or guitar). Two scholarships are also offered for seniors who plan to major in music at an accredited college or university in the 2003-2004 academic year.
Vocal contestants must be in grades 11-12. All other awards are open to contestants in grades 10-12. Contestants must reside in Monroe, Livingston, Orleans, Genesee, Ontario, Wyoming, Yates, Seneca or Wayne county.

Interested students should ask their school or private music teacher for application information. Application forms and repertoire requirements also may be requested from the RPLEC office by calling 454-7311 extension 254. Applications must be received by 1 p.m., Friday, February 7.