Canal wall rehabilitation in Brockport going smoothly

A portion of the south Erie Canal wall is undergoing repairs. Work is expected to be completed by April, in time for the canal opening. Photograph by John Payne.

Canal wall rehabilitation in Brockport going smoothly

If the weather holds, the canal wall reconstruction in Brockport will be "substantially" completed by April 5, Village Department of Public Works Superintendent Brad Upson said.

The $535,217 construction project involves grinding down the "soft, punky" concrete, putting in reinforcing steel, embedding dowels and putting on a new concrete face. "Somewhere between one and two feet of concrete will be poured on the face when it's done," Upson said.

Because the water is scheduled to go back into the canal around April 15, Upson said the project will likely be completed by April 5. The project, which was slated to take 12 weeks, began a few weeks ago. The construction is on the canal wall between Main Street and Park Avenue.

Crane-Hogan Structural Systems, Inc. is providing the labor for the project, which is being paid for with money received from a grant from the NYS Canal Corporation, Upson said.

The project was undertaken because the canal wall is deteriorating from age and wear and tear.