B-B second graders send good cheer
to marines in the middle east

Students in Mrs. Zambito's second grade class have been working on a very special writing project. They are sending letters of good cheer to United States Marines stationed in the Middle East. In addition to many good wishes, the students are also asking the recipients for information about the Middle East including: the climate and weather, culture, and what the people there eat. The students are hoping to receive letters back from the U.S. Marines with answers to their questions, which will help them in their current studies.

According to Zambito, the goal of this project is "to help the children make a connection to places we are locating on maps and globes to real life situations." The children are currently studying different types of communities and the changes that take place in those community environments. This project allows them to incorporate what they have learned thus far as well as work on their writing skills. The students are very excited about the project. Brooke, a student in the class says, "It is exciting to write a letter to someone who is far away and find out about the place."