Funding flags for fair building
is service project for horse club

The Orleans County Prayer Riders of New Covenant Worship Center in Holley are working on a major fundraising project. They are raising money to purchase 62 American flags (bunting style) to use as banners to hang in the Orleans County Fair Horse Barn.

The idea came to The Prayer Riders after trying to hang the old torn banner panels at last year’s fair. At last summer’s end of the year Prayer Rider Party, they discussed the idea of bunting flags, the voting was unanimous and it was decided this would be their project for the year. Leader Gail Conley of Kendall says, “We like to make our fair horse barn look clean, neat and beautiful, all the Orleans County 4-H horse kids work very hard before, during and after fair picking up stones, cleaning and raking the stalls and isles, hanging banners, knocking down cob webs, and decorating their stalls. Also during the fair, they keep a close eye of the horses, feeding, grooming, bathing, showing and cleaning their horse’s stalls throughout the day, and answering any questions the public may have about their horses. We have a friendly, great bunch of kids.”

The public can sponsor a flag for $10. With that sponsorship, the donor’s name will appear on a plaque or poster to be hung in the Orleans County Fair Horse Barn.

A popular name for the plaque/poster this year is honoring a service man or woman in your family, either past or presently serving their country. A business, farm, church, family, or even a pet’s name can be displayed. Some have also sponsored a flag in memory of a loved one.

The Prayer Riders have been active in the Orleans County 4-H horse program for the last six years. They show their horses at the Orleans County Fair, local horse shows just about every weekend, and are invited to ride at the Genesee Country Museum every year. They have also been asked to perform their drill routine at horse shows and other events. They have 18 parades already on the schedule for 2003. The club consists of 11 members, and dedicated parents. Ironically the club’s colors have always been red/white/blue, and their drill/parade team uniforms made of flag material.

Members are April Korn, Doug Flow, Michelle Conrow, Tim Englant, Bradly Carroll, Brooke and Brennan Strimple, Kaitlyn and Kelsie Hendry, Tina Ellersick and Jason Witkop.

For information about the Flag Fund contact Gail Conley, (585) 659-2515, or send name, address, telephone number, $10 donation to Gail Conley, 16790 Kenmor Road, Kendall, NY 14476. Checks payable to: Gail Conley Flag Fund. Deadline is March 31.